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fnComponent - Functional Components in Go

Developers wrap structs that implement the Component interface, such as a templ component, and use them to create SPA-like components and applications with relative ease.

A wrapper around familiar syntax

templ allows us to create components with html syntax.

package main

templ Button(label string) {

templ Greeting(who string) {
<h1>Hello, {who}!</h1>

With this special handler, we can render the button component in the client browser.

var button = fncmp.NewFn(Button("Click me!"))

func handleClick(context.Context) fncmp.FnComponent {
return fncmp.NewFn(Greeting("Sean"))

func HandleMainFn(ctx context.Context) fncmp.FnComponent {
return button.WithEvents(handleClick, fncmp.OnClick)

Package fncmp is a simple and lightweight package for creating functional components in Go.
Components are rendered in place in the DOM and may be updated in response to both client and server side events. This is accomplished by converting a Component to html and wrapping it in meta data. Meta data is parsed by a javascript API and likewise stored on the server.

Developers wrap structs that implement the Component interface, such as a templ component, and use them to create SPA-like components and applications with relative ease.

Sean Burman
3 March 2024